Sunday, March 4, 2012

Take on self inflicted bulimia

I know that bulimia is a major issue for many people but I have to say
it sounds really appealing sometimes. I go for lunch today and for
some reason don't stop at 'a burger please'. Instead I go for the
fat-cat of burgers with onion-rings on the bun and then order fries
anyway. When the waitress asks if I need a side, I go for some
pickle sampler and a coleslaw. If that isn't enough, when my wife
decides she doesn't like her veggie burger I swallow that to plus a
few handfuls of her sweet potato fries.
I walk out of the restaurant an I honestly consider shoving my finger
into my throat and puking on the sidewalk like a drunk college kid. I
know there could be some long term medical issues with bulimia but
there have to be just as many with eating 3000 calories in a single

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