Friday, March 2, 2012

take on the cold-sink

Taking on the hand-wash
After our Tuesday blog, a friend of ours and loyal TOR reader came back with the following comment
Gindian:  Temperature of water doesn't make a difference in hygiene. The soap factor does.
TORyou try washing your hands in freezing cold water and tell me if you are properly scrubbing for 45 seconds.. 
GindianWhat the hell are you touching that you need that much time to scrub your hands???
TOR: my ass…why else would you need to wash your hands, it's not like I'm pissing on my hands

We realize that the temperature of luke-warm water isn't high enough to kill any germs but it will ensure that you can spend enough time actually washing your hands.   Dutch houses are notoriously cold, so when you are sitting on the cold porcelain with your bare-ass, nobody can fault you for trying to warm up a bit.   So when you are then confronted with ice-cold water from the sink, there is no doubt that most dutch-people pass up the opportunity to properly scrub and instead let the water run just long enough to give the illusion that they actually washed properly to any toilet eavesdroppers
If I've said it once, I've said it a 100 times; don't shake hands with a Dutchman.

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