Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Take on Judgement Day

As if my day isn't stressful enough, I walk onto the train today and am met with a sign announcing the end of day as predicted in the bible. I get upset when they tell me the NFL might not kick off in September and now this. First of all, I thought the Mayans had this whole doomsday thing wrapped up already and I had another 6 and a half months left and now I'm being told to wrap it all up by next Friday.

What gets me is the religious angle, what the hell is the point of me living within my means if all sins are erased come the 21st, shit if I knew it was gonna be this kind of party I would have doubled down on coke, strippers and booze because I'm 35 and surely haven't lived it up Armageddon style
But even if there is truth to it, I would have expected a sign of the apocalypse to come in the form of a burning bush, an angel or at least an image of the Virgin Mary inside my pancake mix, not some cheap sign on the R train. So I'm not buying this one, if it happens let God strike me down or at least clean up my bar-bill.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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