Wednesday, May 11, 2011

take on sleep

With all the talk of those flight-control deck operators snoozing on the job, it showed again why the third shift is traditionally the least productive.  The human body is programmed to be awake during the daylight hours and sleep at night so the guys that work at night and thus sleep during the day constantly fight their body's natural rhythm.
I have often said that it's not the amount of hours you sleep but the time you wake up which allows you to function the best.   I can goto sleep at 10pm and wake up at 5:45 and feel like hell and the next day goto bed at 1AM and wake up at 7AM and feel like a thousand bucks.    Obviously I'm getting less sleep in the second scenario but I always theorize that every minute before 6:30AM counts exponentially more than any minute after 6:30AM.

Each minute prior to 6:30 feels like the equivalent of a 15% premium per actual minute and it adds up cumulatively.
So waking up at 6:26AM feels like you lost 60x1.15+60x1.15x1.15+60x1..15x1.15x1.15+60x1.15x1.15x1.15x1.15 -> 5 minutes and 44 seconds instead of the 4 it shows on your clock.    .

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