Monday, May 9, 2011

take on locker-room conversation

Standing at the NYSC last Friday as I'm fuming about the fact I can't get a locker, I had an experience that far outweighs my annoyance.     I'm standing drying off when some dude comes up to me and starts a full conversation.     Now I'm not anti-conversation but I am anti-conversation with a dude in the buff.    This dude not-only made no attempt to cover up, he just stood there kind of swaying side-to-side.  I felt like I was looking at one of those office ornaments you see people have that makes the designs in the sand.    Here I am trying desperately to get out of the 1000 degree hell-hole that is NYSC locker-room and this dude is making small talk trying to figure out what a good restaurant on the upper-west side is.  The weirdest thing is that the entire time I'm forced to make intense eye contact as the dude is practically beating off as he's towling himself off which i'm sure only made the guy think I was more interested.
I'm not even sure the dude was gay (NTTIAWWT) cause he seemed like he was either foreign or from the midwest. Now people can do anything they want on their own time what makes people think that this is at all acceptable behavior in any setting, country or midwestern state.    

I do know one thing for sure.. next time I'm changing in the shower.

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