Friday, April 22, 2011

Take on the tour guide

I'll never understand people I know we as a people want to believe like we belong but when it comes to a point where we pay some person to horde us around like cattle I take notice.
Today as I walk down the street in NYC I'm basically trampled by a sea of tourists as they are herded down 6th avenue. It's not that they are particularly loud, abrasive or rude but rather the sheer size of the crowd which draws my ire. See I can't ever understand as a grown man, going on a vacation as part of a tour group. What can possibly be enjoyable having to see every tourist trap while being walked around a city like a canine puppy but that's essentially what these people sign up for when they shell out top dollar to be treated ike a kid. I would not put up with the humiliation of matching hats or shirts as I have my one chance to see a city but there are people who can only imagine doing it this way and it's sickening.
Now it seems to be mainly an Asian and midwestern phenomenon as you never see a crowd of dudes from Kenya or chicks from India taking part in this charade but I promise you that you'll not find me walking through some ancient city in egypt following some chick with some flag snapping her finger.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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