Saturday, April 23, 2011

Take on over-stimulation

You often hear about kids being over-stimulated, getting riled up and not able to sit still because of it. Obviously anybody who has had kids knows the difficulty of getting an their child to bed after they play-wrestled or ran around right before hand since kids like adults need some down time to unwind from a full day. The problem is when the stimulation is chemically induced like too much sugar, the process of calming down seems nearly impossible. This isn't just a kid phenomenon as I know many people who will tell me that they. can't fall asleep if they have a cup of coffee after a certain time and some are so sensitive the last caffeine they can have is before noon..
But for a total caffeine addict the thought of limiting intake based on time of day seems crazy. Some people have trouble sleeping if they had a latte at 2pm, I can have a double espresso a half hour before I put my head down on the pillow and sleep like a baby but yesterday I found out that even I have my limits.

I can't exactly be sure what made me do it, maybe it was overconfidence, a sense of invincibility or maybe it was stupidity or it was just boredom but after I shelled out $3.99 for a bag of chocolate covered espresso bean, I felt this urge to get my money's worth and like a girl in her mid 30's with an afternoon off and an pack of D batteries I felt the pain of over-stimulation.
Within 20 minutes of purchase I had downed the entire bag and within a half an hour I felt like i just 8 balled an ounce of Stacker2. See back when ephedrin was all the rage as the truly no-impact way of losing weight, I'd down a couple of these pills and then feel like my skin was peeling off as I jittered my way through the next four hours with my heart racing as if I was running consecutive 100 meter dashes. Well yesterday when I basically OD'd on caffeine, I almost felt like it was 1998 all over again because I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest and salsa across the room.. I'm the kind of guy who likes the edge a caffeine rush gives me but never again will I put my body through that obstacle course.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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