Thursday, April 21, 2011

take on the gmail suggestion

Not sure if everybody has noticed this but there is a new feature on Gmail.    Basically when you are replying to an email, Gmail's Artificial Intelligence goes through your address book and asks if you want to include various people to your email thread.

Now I can't quite figure out how or why they suggest things and like most thing Google, most of the time you are sort of pleasantly surprised kind of like that suggestion they do when you are googling something when most of the time I'm happier with the suggestion they give than what I'm actually looking for.    When I go to search for Britney Spears new single, google figures out the Britney Spears things and one of the suggestions for me is 'Britney Spears nip-slip"   

Well the Gmail thing is similar, last week I was emailing a friend about having drinks and Gmail suggested I add another friend to the email who would very often come with us to get drinks.  Maybe it figured the first friend was boring and the second one would liven up the situation, maybe it's not that thought out but regardless it seemed like a decent suggestion

The problem though comes when you have somebody –like yours truly- who talks a lot of shit and stabs people in the back.  See when Gmail suggest I add somebody to the email, I first have to scan the entire thread to make sure I haven't ripped the new person a new ahole behind their back.

God technology sucks


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