Sunday, April 3, 2011

roll over and play dead

When I got my AT&T wireless bill last month, I looked over the numbers and noticed we had accumulated over 3000 roll-over minutes on our family plan. Our plan for two phones allows for 800 minutes per month but we routinely use less than 350 and with every expense going up it seemed like an apt time to change plans. The problem with these wireless plans are that the options on the big carriers are very limited so a family plan only consists of two of three tiered options. As we hardly use the phone, I opted for the 550 minute plan with the thought that if necessary our roll-over minutes would come in handy. Well this plan was soon foiled when the lady told me that by switching plans we would lose all but 550 of our 3000 roll-over minutes.
So my options are either continue to pay for a plan where I will rack up roll-over minutes which I can never reasonably be expected to use OR turn almost all of those accumulated in for the right to kick down to another plan. See it's easy for AT&T to give back roll-over minutes when you set your tiers so high that nobody in their right mind could ever use them where they become the equivalent of profits on paper.

I'm tempted to call somebody and leave the call going for 2500 minutes before my new plan kicks in and I lose them all together.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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