Monday, April 4, 2011

Take on the BEEP BEEP

There are a few things which you can count on in this world.: your NY Times phone-app crashing, a bunch of single socks in a laundry bag with no home and the 'Beep Beep' as soon as the D train comes out of the tunnel to cross the Manhattan Bridge on my commute home. If there is anything more idiotic than people who use that stupid Nextel direct-connect thing it's beyond me. In an age when we have cell-phones which have more powerful processors and bigger memory capabilities than a laptop from 5 years ago there are still people who feel like they need to pretend they are working on a job-site. I get that it's a cheap way to communicate and I'm also well aware that Nextel as a service provider is gone-taken over by Sprint- but this BEEP BEEP noise seems to have survived the corporate turnover. The thing which gets me is that everybody I know basically has an unlimited text-message plan, a huge data plan and a virtual endless supply of minutes including buckets of roll-over ones but still people decide that a walky-talky is a socially acceptable way of communicating while commuting on a crowded train.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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