Saturday, April 2, 2011

Taking on...people who pick their teeth on the subway

I get that there is sometimes some personal grooming necessary but there is really nothing more disgusting than watching some dude with those big plastic rings in his ear-lobes. As I stare at him, I see him go from subway handle-bar to mouth, to subway handle bar back to mouth. Now I have often said that we as a society have become way too germaphobic and there was a great piece on the RadioLab podcast about how the basic extinction of the hookworm in every country except some of those third world countries in sub-Saharan Africa can be blamed for the high rate of asthma and allergies the 'developed' world is suffering from. Basically there is this symbiotic relationship between the hookwork and the human allowing for a heightened state of arousal in the immune system which fights asthma
But even knowing that, I wouldn't actively try to pick up herpes while commuting home.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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