Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Take on the pervert pastors

So another day.. another pervert pastor.
Anti-gay pastor Grant Storms busted for touching himself in public park in New Orleans
I've long been of the opinion that the ones we have to worry the most about are the ones that speak the loudest in opposition of the very topic.   Whether it is Newt taking Bubba to task about the fat-chick in the oval-office while he himself was diddling a house intern or one of these pastor's that get up on their high-horse denouncing homosexuality while they themselves are playing hide the bible with the guy mopping up the church at nights. 
Just today another one of these self-righteous sociopaths who had made a career about standing in front of gay-pride events protesting it as morally corrupt was found playing with himself in the parking lot of a playground.   
This is where religion and the fanatics it breeds really gets to me, people who tell others how to and how not live are usually the ones who are the most morally corrupt.   Now one thing that has always bothered me is that people have suggested that those dirty priests are gay..they are nothing of the sort.. They are complete and utter perverts who prey on children, homosexuality and abusing children have nothing to do with one another.   Add to that the fact that the entire church categorically denied and systematically covered it up makes me sick to my stomach.  
The people who are supposed to give their congregation moral guidance while making judgment upon the actions are the ones who are not just breeding fear but spread the kind of intolerance they are supposedly trying to eliminate.  

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