Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Taking on Thomas Friedman

in today's NY Times like most Wednesday's there is an Op-Ed column written my Thomas Friedman the ugly jacket wearing ugly American who cheer-led the invasion of Iraq, he argues for a new perspective for the protests erupting around the middle-east. Like most pieces by Friedman, he tries to bring you inside his massive head as he tackles the world's biggest issues by him either name dropping some casual conversation he had with some CEO of an upstart or some interior minister of some backwards country or by playing Monday Morning Quarterback with the Middle-East.

Today he writes about the 'real' reason's democracy came to Tunisia and Egypt and he offers some new angles after the Twitter/Facebook one have been played out. Friedman obviously is well versed in Middle Eastern politics and concludes the ground was set by a combination of: Obama's speech in Cairo, Google-Earth, Israel's relentless work to bring peace and fairness to the region (didn't see that one coming did you???) and the Beijing Olympics for showing young disenfranchised Arab youth that there is a better life out there and maybe a gold-medal in fencing too.
Who Friedman forgot to credit directly- but if you at all follow his rhetorical delusion is obvious- is this generation's George Washington ....himself. He is Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benjamin Disraeli all rolled into one.

Thomas Friedman whose underlying goal has always been driven by the safe harbor of Zion has championed the Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney waterboarded version of democracy regardless of how many innocent Iraqi civilian lives it cost theorizing that eventually a democracy in the middle of muslim world would be ground-zero for a budding movement. He will tell you today that the US stumbled, fumbled and bumbled their way into and throughout the war in Iraq but don't worry the lives it interrupted, disabled and ended were not in vain as they served as the true breeding ground for Tunisia

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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