Monday, February 28, 2011

Take on the Activists........and cat lovers

A few weeks ago on some over-zealous Brooklyn Parents online newsgroup, one entry was labeled "looking to rent a cat".    Of course it kind of caught your eye and when I read through it, the context was pretty obvious since the desperate parent was looking to get a festering mouse problem under control and had asked about renting the feline tongue-in-cheek.   But people are stupid and as you can imagine the request became a 20 reply sensation within hours with people scolding the woman for her lack of sensitivity for the feelings of the cat and exclaiming how this is akin to animal cruelty.   Before you knew it there was an all out war with everybody flexing their internet muscles

This is where the hippy Brooklyn activist mentality really gets to me, these people have nothing better to do with their time than to protest, scold and complain. I'm convinced they would protest a protest just so they can offer a contrarian view and sometimes I can see the drawback to democracy.   
I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to be surrounded with people who are this stupid.  
Seriously, who the hell could take the following post seriously?

we have some evidence of mice in our apartment, ever since the snow we've been seeing some droppings here and there but we can't find where they are coming in/out of.   anyone have a child-friendly, mouse-catching cat to rent?

now I'm not one who embraces beer muscles but at least there are some real physical consequences which can result in flexing those..

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