Saturday, February 19, 2011

Take on City Parking

When you live in a city known for it's tough parking rules and then combine it with a neighborhood notorious because there are not nearly enough parking spots for the amount of cars in the area you are usually in for a treat. NYC's street sweeping rules seem archaic many of it's ways as if the person who decided which days the roads should be cleaned never actually looked on a map.
In Park Slope the issue I had was that the fire hydrants are always on the North Side of a block yet the city decided that they will clean the north side of every block in an area on the same day and the south side on another day. The effect is that on the days they clean the south sides there are at four to six less parking spots available on every block since they have 2 or 3 hydrants per block. Why in the world they couldn't just rotate the street sweeping to do half the south sides and half the north sides on one day and they the other two halves on the other day is beyond logic.
In Bay Ridge the rules are similarly asinine, they also do the North-South thing but unlike Park Slope which at least puts 3 days between the north and south sweep days where at least there are a few days to find parking, in Bay Ridge they throw the two sweeping days on consecutive days which means that every car in a 20 block radius is looking for parking on the same night. So you will give us approximately 60 less spots and only one evening to divvy them up..that's genius.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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