Sunday, February 20, 2011

Take on garbage bins in parking spots

So obviously you are well aware of the musical chairs situation involving the parking in Brooklyn with more cars than sports, more hydrants than necessary and more driveways than in suburbia. Well add all of this together with the archaic street sweeping rules and it's a clusterfuck so why not make it more complicated.
Like having some 25 foot garbage bin parked in three viable parking spots for a month on end. This is where government never serves its people. They will allow some building to set up a bin for 3 weeks but make no concessions to the neighborhood like relaxed street sweeping enforcement or an offer up three spots in its place by capping three metered spots. But no this is city politics where the sanitation commissioners block gets cleared of snow before they start the BQE and the Mayor suggests we all go to Broadway.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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