Friday, February 18, 2011

Take on Spice

As long as I can remember I have loved spicy food, I love the burning on my tongue, the burning down my throat and the burning when it leaves me again.    I love Indian food, I get excited just thinking about Mexican food and I take my wingers extra hot.   There is this commercial on the radio right now for Tabasco sauce which explains that the spice enhances the flavor and turns an ordinary dinner into a roller-coaster and I can honestly say that there is a lot of truth to this.

The problem I have is that I sweat profusely when eating spicy food..   It's as if I just ran a half-marathon after getting through with a meal.  There is a sweat on my brow and on the top of my lip.   My hair is a damp and I'm breathing heavy.  How can you ever be expected to look every remotely respectable when you are eating a bowl of nachos with spicy salsa or some of those atomic wingers from Cluck U.     Not only am I licking my fingers and probably trying to dap a warm wet towel on my shirt to get out a couple of stains but I need a towel to wipe down my face and head and there is just no way to stop the Schvitzing is by standing underneath a cool shower for about 10 minutes and most of the time they don't offer one of those at a typical Korean restaurant although they may have a bed somewhere upstairs

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