Monday, December 20, 2010

the bib

A man realizes his limitations as he gets older nd wiser.   He no longer tries to jump down staircases, drink vasts amount of tequila or attempt to go twice in a 24 hour stretch.   What he doesn't always realize is that even when the odds are stacked against you or the world is on his heels, that it's not OK to slip when it comes to effort.    With the competition only getting younger and your responsibility greater, there is no time or place for anything but 100%.  Now that sounds great but it has to mean something too... you have to believe in your own ability, stand up for your rights but be willing to concede defeat to win a war but you must always look good doing it.
But as I've gotten older I got this nasty case of the shakes and I'm not talking about a shake in my hand when trying to write or a twitch of the head.  What I get now is when I'm about 90% through a nice piss I get this chill down my spine which leads to this spasm which leads to me piss splattering all on the front of my pants.   It's completely unavoidable and I have to imagine that if we can send a man to the moon (conspiracy theories be damned), give grandpa a 4 hour hard-on and make a carb-free bagel than some of our brightest minds might be able to invent some kind of disposable piss-bib so you don't walk into a meeting like you just got out of the kiddie pool

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