Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here's a secret...

As much as I love Christmas and the Christmas spirit I hate the expectation it sets on you and there is nothing worse than the office Secret Santa. I understand the idea is cute and it brings a group of people together in a non-work setting but in practice it means that you are scratching your head to figure out what the mail-boy or the receptionist could possibly want. I have spent more time and money trying to come up with a thoughtful gift but almost always opt for a lame option like a gift card to the Gap or a bunch of stinky soaps from Bath and Body Works and don't even get me started with the crap I have gotten.
The problem is you can't opt out of these miserable events without coming across somebody who hates Christmas and it's kind of weird to try to explain why you don't want to get stuck with some crappy sweater to the girl running the pool when she was in fact the one who gave you said sweater last year.

So here we go again, another $50 wasted by me and on me
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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