Sunday, December 19, 2010

Less than a dollar

I have friends who will drop $500 on a new pair of shoes or $20 on a cab ride without blinking an eye but for some reason if you ask them to pay $0.99 for an IPhone app it's like asking them for their first born. I don't get this reluctance to splurge and spend the equivalent of a coke for something you could get pleasure out of for months. People spend more time of their smartphones than with just about any other consumer bought product yet when it comes to tweaking it slightly for a better experience they wallets all tighten up. Now the argument will go that there are thousands of free apps out there but have you seen those? They are worse than terrible!!!.. Now I am not advocating throwing money away aimlessly on bad apps but instead stating that you shouldn't be surprised that in a capitalistic society it costs money to get something good. I would go so far as to encourage companies to charge for version 2 of their apps if it would help iron out the bugs in them, I'd be more than happy to pay a dollar for a NY Times app which doesn't crash or a CBS Sportsline one which allows me to see my fantasy football team break my heart in real time instead of breaking it on some scattered pattern of delay
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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