Friday, September 10, 2010

I may just have to give up having a brain

I think we've all gone to Google and started typing something in the task bar and were surprised to see that our exact inquiry is one of the options on the drop-down menu that appears. Well Google has now come up with a new little widget called Google Instant where websites (not just options) start appearing on the screen as you start typing your information into the search-box.   Basically Google is moving from search-engine and philanthropist and becoming a combination of Big Brother and HAL 9000.       
It's amazing how much Google is in-tune with the human mind, it's as if they know what you are thinking but i'm even more shocked at finding they come up with what you wish you are thinking.  .    The issue I have always had with this stuff is that I get distracted.  
Half the time I get a smile when I try to find some information and Google makes it easy for me but the other halfof the time I wind up looking up something completely different because I find that the suggestion they have for me is better than the crap I came up with myself. 

For example if I needed the Yuan to Dollar conversion you get your result before you even get to the D in dollar as one of the option on your suggestion drop down menu so that works really well.   But start typing something else and you the other options can sometimes be very distracting.   If you are looking up Derek Jeter's stats for the season you would start to type  D e r e k  J e t e r
before you know it you get options like
Derek Jeter Stats
Derek Jeter  Getting married
Derek Jeter  Girlfriends
Now I'm a red-blooded American and before I know it I'm spending 20 minutes staring at pictures of Minka Kelly and every other hot chick he's ever tagged

it's as if Google knows me better than I know myself, they know how to keep me tied to that website because before I know it I'm Googling Scarlett Johanson, Jessica Biel and Vanessa Minnillo for the rest of the night.

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