Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Triple Play

How often are you on the phone with some bank or credit-car company aimlessly trying to navigate through their automatic telephone system. I'm convinced this system is set up in such a way so that it frustrates the consumer to a point they just hang-up. Sadly it is also the place you'd complain about poor customer service and to wait to speak with a humam means you have to be willing to dedicate 30 minutes of elevator music.
But that isn't the only frustrating thing, one thing I can't stand is that while you navigate through the endless loop of options they will inevitably ask you to enter your account# to help speed up the process byu verifying your identiy BUT when you finally do get to speak with a represeantative they willalways ask you for your account number for verification. What the hell did you enter it manually for if you are going to have to spell it out for some imbecile on the other side of the earth.
This 'verification' is just a way to keep you from speaking to a representative, the system is designed to stall in as many ways as possible by either forcing the user to jump though a number of hoops including questions like "which of the following most closely explains your problem" or "would you participate in a short survey for quality control".. All these things are ways to distract you or better yet things that will frustrate you to the point you just hang up.
The way they figure it's hard to cancel your phone-internet-cable package if you don't ever speak with anybody. If the wait is long enough or they throw enough hurdles in front of you, you might just hang up and thus NOT cancel the triple-play.
I should just say yes to the survey question so I can bitch and moan about frustrations which is their customer service.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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