Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning down the house (of worship)

So some psychopath Florida preacher is going to burn a bunch of Korans to prove a point.
If you thought the reaction was bad over those dopey Danish cartoons, wait until the reaction comes here.
My prediction is that he'll prove his point and think he's completely brilliant when the reaction of the Muslim World will undoubtedly be outrage and will lead to protests, murder and most-probably retaliation. In other words this guy will basically prove that water is wet.

Poke a rabid pit-bull but when he attacks you, you can call it a mutt who should be put down and nobody will argue that fact but nobody will feel real bad for you either

Sadly the chances that Pastor Terry Jones will see any direct retaliation is probably slim even if he happens to incite anger that will lead to deaths, although maybe having to walk around with that ridiculous mustache while leading a congregation of 60 white-trash NASCAR hats to church wearing racists is punishment enough.

Now I will argue that this act should be protected by Freedom of Speech although that is far from making this a good idea. Let's hope the retaliation from a bunch of guys hanging out in caves on the Pakistan border will amount to them burning a couple of disney-world brochures and Florida Marlins hats, though I think that's pretty unlikely.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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