Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Toes

TOR readers are well aware of the foot-problems I'm cursed with. Between the bunions, ingrown toenails, yellow nails, red bumps and purple marks it looks like a foot-fungus circus. Most of these issues can be directly attributed to my general level of filth combined with the fact that for the last 5 years I have run -on average- 25 miles per week. The beating my dogs take approach a Michael Vick level and honestly for somebody who loves to walk and run as much as I do, you'd figure they should be pampered instead.
Well this weekend I was met with a new pain, one worse than any I've suffered from recently. Basically the bottom of my feet has so much dry skin and build up callus that I stand easily 2" taller than my real height. It's like I'm wearing Nike Air's but instead of a pocket of air, I stand on a pocket of dead skin.
Well when skin is that dry you can have cracking and for those who have had these issues you can imagine the discomfort. Basically 1/2 inch of skin cracks down to the fleshy part and opens up a cut.
The issue is that the cracks are almost always in spots which take a lot of wear and tear like your heel or the ball of your foot which makes treatment difficult because each step aggravates the injury. Well just my luck. I had my feet crack right at the joint of BOTH big toes and now I'm walking around like a toe-mummy.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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