Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The summer that won't end

The year 2010 will undoubtedly go down as the most miserable one of most of our lifetimes. The weather -mostly the humidity- has been relentless and the economic climate has kept an already tense city on the edge of it's seat for months now.
I haven't looked at the numbers but it would not at all surprise me if crime numbers are up this year for no other reason that between the heat, the angst and the misery of everybody in the city will combine to have a Summer of Sam like feel. Never before have I spoken with so many people who are just dying for the days to drop off the calendar and never before have you seen so many people who are feeling such economic plight.
See the rebound in the economy is not something that the average person is seeing. American's 10% of whom are unemployed and countless other under-employed are suffering. Most people I speak with have scaled back vacations as the double-dip seems more real the more the unemployment numbers see to be unaffected by any government plan or lack of one. The stench this summer comes from the rotting garbage but also from the desperation or lack of it.
I have to take Obama to task here, just like Donnie Walsh now has to take responsibility so does Obama and he has really done very little to give us confidence in a true recovery and less in terms of job-creation. I know that we keep throwing money at unemployment plans but as people start hitting triple-digit weeks of unemployment you have to think differently. There is a lot of blame to go around here from Obama , to businesses, to consumers and to workers

If you can't find work in 100 weeks than you just aren't looking hard enough. I'm sorry that this sounds harsh or maybe unrealistic but this is becoming ghetto-queen mentality. I have to think that paying people to not work is similar to paying farmers to not farm. There are plenty of projects which need to be done -albeit probably not very glamorous ones. If you collect unemployment than I want you spending 20 hours per week volunteering with kids, cleaning up parks, building homes in destitute places, working in soup-kitchens etc.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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