Wednesday, August 18, 2010

World's Smartest Man

Forget MIT or Harvard, forget Einstein, Stephen Hawking or even Bobby Fisher, TOR has identified the smartest person alive and he isn't a quantum physicist, he probably can't even spell it. See a couple of mornings per week I go to this cart to get a cup of joe and an egg-and-cheese which is absolutely delicious but that's not what's impressive. See I order the egg-and-cheese on whole-wheat toast with hot-sauce and the guy starts preparing it for me as he sees me walking up. I only had to order it a few times but now he just knows. But that's not the crazy part, this dude working in the equivalent of a 3x3 foot sardine can with a steaming hot griddle, two hot coffee machines and more danishes, donuts and bagels that you can shake a stick at is able to remember everybody's order.

The fat dude with the funny ties gets two bowties and a large coffee with four sugars
The black lady gets a light-and-sweet and a bagel with butter
The guy in the suit with the bluetooth on takes an iced coffee and two eggs over easy on a roll.
The Asian dude takes a glazed donut and an orange juice

It's like a perfectly choreographed dance with no words exchanged and the only sounds being a few good morning grunts.

He must have the orders of 500 people committed to memory, he. Never makes a mistake and is able to give everybody exact change and their coffee just right..

It's like I'm dealing with a combination of the Iron Chef and Rain Man

So I hereby nominate the dude on the NorthEast corner of 43rd and 6th as the world's smartest man......or the winner of the biggest game of memory.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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