Monday, August 16, 2010

The Mosque

So late last week Obama stepped squarely in the center of the WTC mosque controversy which I'm sure have only helped restart the calls of his secret Muslim life.    Now I'm not the biggest State-Right advocate thinking the Constitution is actually antiquated when it comes to all these rights for States as I don't think a 'state' should have rights as this should only be reserved for people but what I do believe is that there are certain issues which should be left for local referendum and any politician especially the POTUS sticking his nose in it will just make everybody smell weird.

But when it comes to issues like Religious Rights and Persecution, I think the Constitution is right on, we have freedom of Religion and our armed forced defend that freedom and nowhere does it say that they defend only Christian Religious Freedom.   Like I've said before, the way I see it we should see this Mosque like buying insurance.   If you build Mecca II on the 103rd floor of the Freedom Tower, I bet you have a lot less to worry about.

But at the end of the day I'm not for anybody telling anybody where and where to put a house of worship, I don't go to any of them and honestly don't care if they are there or not much in the same way that a new movie-theater doesn't quite excite me except how it may directly impact me.  See I don't particularly care for the fact that there are a hundred churches in my neighborhood which eliminates a ton of parking spots since parking in front of a church is prohibited (this coincidentally is not the case for parking in front of a mosque) but I don't have much say over this as it doesn't exactly cause me any real harm.

In the same respect a mosque or a religious sight which is a ten minute walk away from Ground Zero might leave some with a bad-taste but I honestly don't give a crap.  The terrorist have already won when you can't carry a tube of toothpaste onto a plane so that argument is moot.   We need the government to step OUT of issues not into them.   This is not a government issue; it's a private one and one that is protected by the Constitution.

Now the NY Daily News had it best today when they covered a bunch of the houses of ill-refute all of which are located in the shadow of Ground Zero.  

 So until somebody can explain to me that having a place where you can get a $20 lap-dance is not an insult to the 3000+ lives lost but a house of worship is that would be helpful.   

I'll hang up and listen.

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