Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Standing Room Only

Although I am a notorious ahole, I always worry about courtesy.   Obviously there is an inherent conflict here but when you are a Righetti you always teeter on the verge of a complete train wreck.

See I have come across  a couple of recent scenarios which have me scratching my gigantic head which we'll delve into over the next few days.

-scenario #1
Taking the bus from Port Authority (AKA Hell on Earth)
If you've ever had the misfortune of leaving out of PA during rush-hour you know the endless lines that snake through the terminal as people crawl through the station to get to such hell forsaking places like West Orange, East Rutherford or Fort Lee.   The good thing is that the buses are decently organized in terms of seat assignments basically it's first come-first served and if as the bus meets seating capacity the driver will tell you that it's standing room only.    Now there is nothing wrong with this set up except when an old lady gets on when a 34 year old guy has some moral obligation to give up his seat.   The problem arises after the bus hits its seating limit and a woman gets on knowing she has to stand.   Now I feel like I have to give up my seat although had this lady waited we both would have gotten seats.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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