Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Courtesy Parking

Another courtesy issue I've come across is the following

Living in NYC with a car there is a miserable musical chairs routine which happens a few days per week as you try to find parking on alternate side of the street parking days.
The issue is basically that there just aren't enough spaces for the amount of cars and the situation just never gets better as new high-rises seem to spring up like bunny rabbits with additional residents without adding any new spaces. NYC adds to the misery as they turn free street parking spots into metered parking not to mention the fact that all the fire hydrants are on the north side of the street so when the south side has street sweeping you 'lose' about 6 spots per block.

But through all of this I have a dilemma which unless you know the agony of circling the block to find a spot you'll have a hard time relating too.

There is one day per week (Mondays) when I leave before street regulations start so it doesn't really matter where I park but sometimes I'll see two spots available on Sunday night: one which would have to be moved the next morning and one which is safe for a few days.
Now although I plan to leave the next morning AND realize how hard it is for the next guy to find parking, I still take the safe spot.

I figure the following
- in such a competitive parking market, somebody will grab the spot the next morning as soon as I get out so it's not like the good spot goes to waste, it just gets gifted to a morning guy vs an afternoon guy. I know I'm rewarding the procrastinator but in the unlikely event I oversleep I am protecting myself from another NYC ticket.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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