Monday, August 9, 2010

Building up the immune system


I had the following argument the other day about immune systems and what it takes to keep a strong one.

My theory is that the immune system is like a muscle which has to be trained so that it can grow and become more powerful like training to fight Mike Tyson.  The more you train the better your chances are  the counterargument went something like the immune system has a limited amount of fighting power and like in Mike Tyson's punch-out once it is sucked down there is almost no way to get it back up again.

Now I have no medical knowledge of anything but I do know my own situation which is that I've never been squeamish about anything.  I don't worry about touching the subway poles, I don't freak out if somebody drinks from my glass, I don't worry about shaking hands and I don't wear flip-flops in the gym and except for the occasional bout with Athletes Foot I really never get anything.      Now obviously this isn't a fool proof system as I realize germs can spread and I wouldn't go and start sticking my unit in a bunch of smacked out whores sans condom – actually I wouldn't stick my unit in a bunch of heroin using whores ever – but I do believe that you if you are never exposed to a couple of germs that the first time you see them you're in for a major bed-ridden illness..

I always look at the situation of all those tribes of Indians who got wiped out by small-pox when Columbus and his hooligans started showing up.    These poor feather wearing people were taken out quicker than Stalone took out the Vietcong in First Blood part 2.    Just look at the people in your life who suffer from some kind of OCD and you'll find they are some of the sickliest people you know.  

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