Sunday, August 15, 2010

parallel universe

I was once a great parallel parker, I'm not talking good but I'm talking Wide World of Sports great. I could parallel park a Geo Prism, a Jeep Wrangler, a Chevy Blazer with my eyes closed. I never hit the curb, never grazed the bumper of another car and was always inches from the sidewalk. I am not nearly as good as I was, I guess old age, bad knees and lack of practice will do that to even the best in the game but I'm still pretty good which is convenient especially when you live in NYC and you have to street park. I never saw parallel parking as a contact sport, although I must admit that today sometimes I do touch-and-go.
I have never been intimidated by the thought or by observers but I do have one situation which years ago I would have mastered but today is very intimidating. Parking when you are trying to squeeze into a spot which is flanked by a motorcycle especially a Harley.
Now the concept isn't very different than parking in between an AMG Hammer and a 5 series but somehow the fear of knocking over some dude's Harley becomes almost reason to pass on the spot all together. Now it'll would probably serve the ahole right being he probably woke up my entire family the night before as he roared down the street at 1000 decibels but the thought of confrontation is not something I relish at nearly 35. I never saw parallel parking as a contact sport, although I must admit that today sometimes I do touch-and-go.

Now if I'm trying to squeeze a Hummer in between 2 Vespas' I just let her rip.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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