Saturday, August 14, 2010

hydrate yourself

For years the only way I hydrated myself was with Lite Beer and Coffee, there were honestly five or six years there where I probably didn't drink more than 10 sodas, 15 juices and 100 glasses of water in a year. Now this is surprising to some, especially being that the two forms of liquid I was hydrating with are both major diuretics but except for my neon-colored piss and my eggplant colored crap, it seemed to agree with me.
See I probably can't win too many awards but I'm sure if hold my own in two: a straight speed eating competition and a not drinking any liquid competition. See I have just never felt like I my body needs to drink anything -other than beer.
But as I've gotten older any my beer intake has decreased to 1/20th of what it was I'm fiending for liquid for the first time in my life as having a beer five times in a day seems a bit out of place especially if you are pushing a stroller.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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