Sunday, August 8, 2010

Socks and Sandals

I thought that I wouldn't have to waste valuable time discussing this but being away from NYC for a week really makes you appreciate how well dressed we are and how fashion illiterate the rest of the country. Apparently the memo about not wearing slippers with socks never made it out to Connecticut because there are tons of culprits roaming these streets with their Nike sandals on while rocking tube socks. The most disturbing thing is that it spreads over generations and nobody seems immune. This was a look which was originally limited to old farts but now I see kids in parks and in shops around the country rocking it.
Now granted you can't totally blame Connecticuters as this is a state without a professional sports scene unless you count the WWE and also doesn't have any open container laws for automobiles so obviously they are both deprived and depraved. But I'm afraid this is not a phenomenon limited to the Constitution State as I've seen this look in other places as well. but bad fashion is a right of passage when women go to bars wearing khakis and dudes think they are dressed up when rocking Ed Hardy.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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