Friday, November 27, 2009

The Spaniards have running with the bulls, we have running with the imbeciles

I have often thought that we as Americans see waking up at 3AM to get online at a Wallmart on Black Friday as some rite of passage. I would honestly prefer to pay more for an item than have to spend some NewYears Eve esque countdown at some suburban mall so I can play my own untelevised version of Supermarket Sweep
You know the rest of the world snickers at the videos they'll get tonight showing how pathetic an act this is. Of course we'll all laugh as some 250lb woman with an ass the size of an lifeboat gets thrown facedown to the floor until the reporter leads into the somber story. seems like every year some schmo gets trampled by a hoard of similar losers somewhere in Dover Ohio as they run through the doors to secure some chinese made plastic toy for 30% less than the marked price. What I don't get is how anybody can be convinced that any mark-down is worth this. You know the department stores just mark up their items so they can mark them down again and most people would be lucky to end up with anything other than a black eye.

At TOR we don't do Black Friday's, Red China or Pink button-downs.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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