Saturday, August 22, 2009

Status Update

So I've had a facebook account for about a year or two and although I didn't exactly 'get it' originally, it's starting to make sense.

I think the status updates part is actually the best and worst part, I like people's random thoughts and funny observations about sushi but I hate the updates that are just calls for sympathy like

"finally put Billy to sleep, still have lots of work to do!!"

Actually when I first read it I though she was talking about putting her dog down which is status-update worthy but this pandering for sympathy about having to work is pathetic.
We get it, you work and have a kid but when every stupid status update just tells us that your kid is sleeping and you have so much work to do proves you are an unoriginal goon.
We did not tell you to get a kid/dog so stop bitching to us about it cause nobody cares.

A good status update would. have been

"Just put left my kid at the in-laws and put my dog to sleep and now I'm Eight-Balling down route 95"
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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