Friday, August 21, 2009
don't do well in the heat especially if there is a lot of humidity but what gets me is that our air has gotten so thick that even when you strip down naked there is no relief.
Just yesterday I was standing on the street and felt some drops which I though were a precursor for a much needed shower, then I looked up and realized it was air-conditioning piss dripping down on me. It is just disgusting to think that in this city you get absolutely no relief. The air is muggy, the pavement feels like it's generating it's own heat and all the tall buildings just seem to lead to stagnant air.
It wasn't like this when I was a kid, I remember NYC was hot but not so humid all the time so people who say there isn't climate change should spend three hours on a NYC subway platform. You just look up in the sky and realize we never get those clear blue skies anymore, they are always foggy/smoggy and if I feel this miserable to stand outside imagine how my lungs must feel, cause it's like breathing through a plastic bag
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