Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Peach

I've read this theory a while ago while flipping through Cosmo, Elle or US Weekly a few years ago as one of these things that women all around should we well aware of.

It was suppose to a fool proof way to tell a chick how happy she would be with a specific dude. It was basically a test where a woman should observe the way a dude eats a peach cause it would tell her how he would eat her peach. Now this is a great thing for chicks to know and not that different from a guy observing how a chick eats a popsicle but I was sitting with a buddy yesterday as he made sweet love to his fruit and it was disgusting to see his entire face covered with nectar juice.. The issue is that seeing any dude in this state must be music to a chick's ears but when it's a one of your buddies that visual is enough to make you want to lose your lunch or your buddy.
So now that I have planted this visual in your mind you will probably never offer a peach to a buddy again but worse yet realize that when your girlfriend offers your buddy one she may have an hidden motive..
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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