Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Red White and You

I remember the moment so vividly, I was 18 or 19 sitting up in the upper deck of Yankee Stadium with my buddies during a weekend day game. One of the guys and occasional relief bitcher had our one fake ID and managed to swindle a couple of Budweisers for $6 a piece.
It was at this exact moment, in those cheap upper-deck seat, on this beautiful afternoon that I fell in love with beer. It was the combination of taste, feel and atmosphere but a miraculous marriage between man and hops took place. Now it wasn't by first beer or not even my 100th one but it was the first one I really enjoyed. Before this one beer, I would drink to get drunk, but after this beer I drank beer cause I loved it.
To this day there is no place I' rather be than bellied up to a bar, in a beer garden or cracking open a cold Bud at a baseball game. My tastes have change (matured?) but I will forever remember that one day when I went from tolerating to loving beer.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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