Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Floor 0

There is a lot about European's which I don't understand including the whole not showering every day, not using deodorant and then wearing the same shirt a week in a row but I have found a new peeve.

I am at the hotel in Germany and haven't slept in days, I go to the lobby to find out where the gym is but don't see the front desk, no lady, no nothing.. I go up and down and can't find the lobby, I feel like I'm stuck in Ghostbusters II, like I have to make the elevator stop between floors to find the one with the nice front desk German lady.

What the hell is floor 0? I think of floor 0 an think that this is where Lucifer hangs out. In the normal capitalistic world we have sense that the first is the first not the abyss.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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