Monday, April 20, 2009

Did somebody cross Junior Gotti?

So I am reading that there are a bunch of dead polo horses in Florida.. I know nothing about polio but I wonder who is considered the athlete. I mean the horse is doing 95% of the work but I am sure they don't get any of the accolades. Then they get made into glue

At least I horse racing, it's the horse gets the credit and then they are made into glue

Is there a dumber system than escalator for the airtrain at Newark airport? Some genius decides to put the only working escalator in the entire terminal and it is set to down. Of course they realize that this is one of the only situations where an up escalator would be helpful as people have to schlep forty thousand suitcases up about 90 steps
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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