Saturday, October 25, 2008

I've been busy carving a backwards B into my face

When I first read that a McCain campaign worker was accusing a "big black man" of robbing her, beating her and carving a B into her face and noticed the B was backwards I thought of Morton Downey Jr, who years accused neonazi's of painting a swastika on his face.  Of course just like in this McCain campaign case the twisted cross was painted in reverse.  Idiots absolute idiots.

Maybe that chick should have used a knife to cut away half the food she consumes on a daily basis.

in other big news Joe the Plumber sounds like he's considering a 2010 run for congress, this is what we really need a guy who isn't really a plumber now try to be a real congressman.
Everytime I see Ali Velshi, I think that it's just Howie Mandel took a gig doing CNN finance cause those Deal or No Deal briefcases are coming up empty for him

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