Sunday, October 26, 2008

Goodbye to Romance

Only nine days to go till we get to finally see the Obama/McCain battle play out.   Obviously Barack continues to improve in the polls and McCain continues to look annoyed.  I'm not exactly sure what I would do if I were the GOP but if they've been hiding Osama Bin Laden, this might be the time to bring him out or otherwise it might be time for Palin to start thinking of a place to donate all those clothes.  Although with her going rogue as a senior McCain complained to CNN, probably proves that her aspirations are way beyond playing second fiddle to fuddy-duddy McCain and maybe all this Maverick talk really is about the fact that she sees herself as the top gun.

So lets get an over/under for how many Sarah Palin costumes we're gonna see for Halloween this year?  That has to be the most popular costume of the year and just about any brunette chick can pull it off.  Add some square glasses, a mini skirt and one of those shirts with the high collar and you are money.

Anybody notice that the entire crowd at the Chargers-Saints game in London sings along with God Save the Queen, all 80,000 people singing in unison was kinda cool to see, although it's obviouly not a 'home game' for either fans and it looks like a sports bar in NYC with NFL jersey's from every team in the league represented.  I guess it's just 80,000 ex-pats now living across the pond who happened to know all the lyrics to God Save the Queen

Who else thinks that the Giants might be slightly regretting the big money contract they just gave Plaxico?   These prima donna receivers are all the same, when things are going well their antics are easy to swallow but get a bit of adversity and they are nothing but annoying.

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