Friday, October 24, 2008


So next Wednesday Night, the Obama campaign will buy 30 minute spots on all the major channels for a infommercial to sell himself to the American public.   My first thought was.. 'is it worth it for the campagin to actually buy time on MSNBC since their own infomercial could never be as big a seller as Keith Olberman will be and he won't cost them anything'

Did read a piece in today's Times about Palin and then it hit me, she always talks about being a small town mayor, a business owner and a governor and although all are true one part of it seems like just a bit of a stretch. I'm not 100% sure but the business owner part she speaks about I think is for a company for snow-mobile racing.   I think Todd is the team's driver and they make something like $1000 per year in winnings.. I'm not exactly sure this qualifies as a small business owner as it seems more like a glorified hobby for her goatee having husband. That's like saying TOR makes me a small business owner cause I have a couple of banner ads up..

I know the US loves the underdog story and embraces the little engine that could but could there be less interest in this Devil Rays world series? Maybe I'm disenfranchised, maybe I'm disconnected or maybe i'm just disinterested but you couldn't pay me to watch this series.

So caught some kind of expose on Obama's grandparents yesterday and on the TV screen I saw the following picture and thought..  Jeeze maybe get a slightly looser pair of pants Grandpa

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