Sunday, September 7, 2008

what have I done to deserve this?

I have lost almost 60 pounds about 8 years ago but still can't get away from suffering from a major affliction.
This is not the kind of issue a 32 year old guy in the best shape of his life should be forced to suffer from and it has taken till now for me to even come to admitt it.

This is not the kind of issue somebody would be proud of, it affects your every day life.  For me this issue is worse when I run but can strike on any hot day.   Basically my thighs are so fat that they rub together and the irritation causes major chaffing .  It's like a car wash with sand-paper between my legs which has forced me to try some drastic measures

Not too long ago, I had to stop mid-run to combat this pain.  I walked into an Italian restaurant, grabbed the oil-and-vinegar off the table and snuck into the men's room where I have proceed to douse my inner  legs with salad dressing to help with lubrication..  I had oil running down my legs for the next 10 miles and let me tell you it was NOT a pleasant sight.  When I finished this run, the smell that came off me was a combination of sweat, tears and vinaigrette,bascially the smell of a Vietnamese whore house.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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