Sunday, September 7, 2008

You know you're an addict when

you wake up in China at 4AM and go right to your computer to watch NFL boxscores change every so slightly. And then cheering and dancing in your drawers when Marion Barber barrels one in from the 1 yard line but later in near tears when Romo did not throw it in the endzone late in blowout game.

I love fantasy football but there is almost nothing more dorky to have to admit to being addicted to.  You spend all year waiting for the first week of games and then you sit in front of a Computer Screen for 8 hours watching numbers tick up and down, all for the pleasure of eventual pain.  Nothing like the loneliness of a hotel room at 4AM. 

Nothing is as bad as being stuck in China while the NFL season is about to start and searching through 40 Chinese stations just hoping for some American sports.  Kind of a Good News/Bad News thing for me

Good news is that I finally found ESPN,
bad news for me it was some kind of ESPN Desportes or KungPowChicken or something,

good news when they showed some college football last night, 
bad news when the game they decided to show was Iowa vs Fort Lee or something equally bad.

Good news they showed a couple of NFL highlights
Bad News they showed about a half hour of Beglium Grand Prix Highlights

China is an interesting place. you look out the window and the smog feels like it is just eating away at the glass.   Had my first "American" meal in a week when I got some KFC, although here the chicken is kind of brown and the sauce is just a heap of mayo.   Just thinking about it makes me feel sick all over again.

Just saw the Seinfeld/Bill Gates commercial on YouTube, absolutely hysterical.  I'm sure that 90% of the
country won't get it but that makes it brilliant.  This is what you do when you are stuck in China at 4AM, you surf websites to hear about cool commercials and then you look them up on YouTube..

So thus here I am again, sweating from my run, inner thights chaffed and smelling a mix of mayo and chinese food watching the numbers on my computer screen move ever-so-slightly

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