Saturday, September 6, 2008

Enjoying the View... from China

so Day 5 of my great China trip and I am 100% sure about a few things

1) My lung capacity has decreased 25% since getting here, the smog is so thick that you are better off using a Marlboro Red as a filter.

2) I believe I have eaten every single part of a chicken: legs, breast, wings, feet, eyes, beak, snout whatever.. Can you say Avian Bird Flu

3) I have been hitting the gym every morning at 6AM and am literally the only person at the gym, not one other guest.. not even an attendant, I turn on the lights, turn on the machines and turn on the TV.

4) somehow there are a few websites which I can't seem to get here.. YouPorn, RedTube, Tube8 etc. are all not reachable. weird

few Palin updates
1) she switched colleges 6 times including one time because it rained too much.. think she is high maintenance?
2) National Enquirer is already rumored to be going after an extra marital affair, with any luck they find out the dude was John Edwards.
3) when she won the mayor of Wasilla, she got a total of 909 votes.. That may be more than Biden got when he ran for the Democratic Nominee, but not by much.
4) the band HEART has asked the GOP to stop playing the song, Barracuda, I have asking Heart to stop airing this song for about 10 years but have had not luck.
5) Not has she has entered every 13 year old's wet dreams, the way her voice cracks every 6th word, she sounds a lot like a 13 year old boy?

So McCain decided to give yet another speech in front of a green screen, my boy Colbert is going to have a field-day with this one.
You can say one thing for Jon Stewart, this election has given him some juice again.. This guy is like David Justice, takes a lot of days off and only turns it on in the playoffs. just my luck, when Jon Stewart's playoffs start, I'm stuck in China

Just heard Giuliani's speech at the RNC.. He isn't just campaigning for McCain 24/7 he is campaigning for him 9/11..

Funny thing was that the green screen was the grass of a picture of a middle school in California.. Name of the middle school "Walter Reed Middle School", think somebody may have made a boo-boo?

Britney is rumored to open the VMA's this year..and from what I've seen on What Would Tyler Durden Do.. she might be hot again.. This coming right after excerpts of her Mom's book came out with claims of Britney doing the dirty deed at age 14. I guess it was pretty obvious that she was not that innocent.

this is totally awful (but pretty funny)

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