Wednesday, November 7, 2012

take on the loss

after a grueling 2 years the election is finally over and I'm wondering what the idiots like Karl Rove, Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd are going to be sent back into hibernation for a few months and I for one couldn't be happier

but before that happens somebody is going to have to write the official obituary for the Romney/Ryan ticket although the draft started last night and if the McCain/Palin obituary was any sign, we're in for some good gossip between Gilligan and Mr. Howell. 

They'll say that they couldn't connect with Hispanic voters, that they underestimated the demographic shifts, that Romney seemed out of touch, that Ryan looked like the kind of creepy guy you see in the NYSC locker-room flexing in front of a mirror without a towel on.   They'll say that the momentum that Romney had after the first debate was stopped in it's tracks by a super-storm, they'll blame Chris Christie for going off message, they may blame Ann for her fashion choice or the fact that Mitt's family looked like they were reproduced like rabbits every time they hit the stage.   Maybe they'll blame it on Mormon bias, maybe they'll say that there aren't as many white males to carry an election anymore and maybe they'll blame or give credit for the Dems for their well oiled electoral machine

but one thing they may all forget is that in Mitt let himself go..  maybe it was a desperate attempt to try to connect with the middle class, but Jesus Christ the dude got fat over the last few months.    every time I saw him on stage it looked like he had swallowed another one of this grandkids and by choosing a guy who seemed to have the vision (literally his vision not figuratively) of the guy with coke-bottle glasses who got picked last every time they picked teams in gym.   Maybe the two look a bit too much like the electorate..

People want to see a leader in their president, someone to aspire to, not some disgusting overweight near-sighted sloth and maybe after all was said and done they figured that the Ryan/Romney ticket looked like it wouldn't be able to survive four years of unbelievable pressure  which would have left us with President John Boehner which may have put the country on a path of bankruptcy just in the cost of kleenex

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