I was awaken today by the CNN headline
“the wallet of the future….your cell phone”.
“the wallet of the future….your cell phone”.
As you read through the article it explains that soon you will use your cell-phone for your credit card purchases and that somehow you will be able to use it to open up your front door.
I know this is obviously the direction we are going into but at some point aren’t we afraid we are going to put too many eggs in this one electronic basket? For me my blackberry already serves as my: phone, calendar, address book, email hub, internet port, camera and place I often blog TOR’s. I have buddies who use slingbox to watch TV on their IPhones, others who use their IPhones to pick restaurants or find recipes. My blackberry contains almost every important part of my life not to mention the distractions like Word Mole and BrickBreaker while I’m taking a crap and now you are going to also make this my wallet and my keys too?
I heard this Connecticut morning DJ tell this story once about how everything comes with a camera now, your laptop can come with a camera, your cell-phone comes with one, you can get a keychain which can be a camera and that soon you’ll be able to get a grape-fruit with a camera attached to it. I’ll do one better, I’m looking forward to the day that the point that you can buy a digital camera with a camera on it.
The point is that when I invariably drop my BlackBerry in a porta-potty one night, I won’t be able to get home because my metro-card is now floating in the bowl , I won’t be able to take a cab because my credit-card # is now covered with piss and even if I do get home I won’t be able to get into my house cause my keys are now part of my urine smelling electronic live hamper.
my life will be awful
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