Monday, December 26, 2022

Take on George Santos

George Santos does one thing well and that one thing he does better than just about anybody. Politicians all lie about some things, they all embellish a lot of things and they can't be trusted with most things but by and large their stories -albeit full pumped up- marginally check out. People who serve in the military typically did, they may not have had as many awards for valor but they did actually wear the uniform. Those who worked on Wall Street did typically get a paycheck from a big bank and those who are part of the log cabiners are actually truly gay. Santos on the other hand couldn't tell you his birthdate without it being a gigantic story.

What is shocking is that somebody from his past never leaked the fact that he was full of crap. Just one anonymous tip from a high school classmate with a grudge would have slammed the door on his career.

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