Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Take on the tax returns

Trump's tax returns will finally be released to the public and I’m expecting it to go down something like this

Democrats . Holy shikes. This is huge, he hasn't paid any taxes or made any donations

MAGAs. That make him smart

Democrats. It also makes him a cheat

MAGAs. A smart cheat

Democrats. And he didn't actually donate his salary to any charities

MAGAs Just his mentioning that he would upped charitable donations. He should get credit for that

Democrats. And he's highly leveraged and owes money to some of the worst actors in geopolitical circles

MAGAs. Those banks lent him the money

Democrats. But where there is smoke there is fire

MAGAs. Circumstantial

Democrats. He's going to finally fry

MAGA's. Yeah right

Democrats. You're right. He'll skate again and we I'll go back to this dance in a month with similar results 

MAGAs so who is the dummy??

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